
Member Event: Collection Tour with Scott Lang

Thursday, August 4, 2022
6–7 p.m. central
Zoom Video Conference

Member Event: Collection Tour with Scott Lang

Intuit invites members to a series of virtual private collection tours, in which a collector of outsider and self-taught art leads a tour of their home and shares stories about their collecting journey. Each event concludes with a Q&A with the collector.

Join fellow Intuit members for a tour of JoAnn Seagren and Scott Lang’s home! Lang shares their robust collection, which includes outsider, self-taught and contemporary works of art side by side. Renowned artists featured include Elijah Pierce, Reverend Howard Finster, James Castle, Lee Godie, Eugene von Bruenchenhein, Mr. Imagination and William Hawkins.

Photograph of a woman, identified as JoAnn Seagren, in a white blouse and a man, identified as Scott Lang, in a Bill Traylor shirt and blue jacket
Photograph by Cheri Eisenberg courtesy Scott Lang

Closed captions will be available at the virtual program. Please contact Courtney Thompson at with questions related to accessibility accommodations.

The event is free for members! Become a member or renew your membership today. To check your membership status, please contact Tina Horton, development associate, at

The week of the event, Intuit will email the Zoom link to members. Please check your junk folder; unfortunately, these emails are sent there sometimes.