January 27, 2022—CHICAGO—Intuit is pleased to announce it has been awarded an American Rescue Plan (ARP) grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), a grant award intended to help the arts and cultural sector recover from the pandemic. Intuit is recommended to receive $150,000 and may use this funding to save jobs and fund operations and facilities, health and safety supplies, and marketing and promotional efforts to encourage attendance and participation. In total, the NEA awarded grants totaling $57,750,000 to 567 arts organizations in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Washington, D.C.
“Our nation’s arts sector has been among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The National Endowment for the Arts’ American Rescue Plan funding will help arts organizations rebuild and reopen,” said Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson, chair of the NEA. “The arts are crucial in helping America’s communities heal, unite and inspire as well as essential to our nation’s economic recovery.”
Intuit will support the salaries of its guest services associates and operations manager with the funding it receives from the NEA. These positions emerged from Intuit restructuring its operations model in response to the ongoing pandemic. Before March 2020, volunteers greeted guests at Intuit. Now, the guest services team provides personalized service by welcoming guests during open hours, managing by-appointment visits, and ensuring guests follow COVID-19 guidelines to create a comfortable experience for all.
“Our guest services team members serve an invaluable role and support our ongoing efforts to be the most welcoming museum in Chicago,” said Debra Kerr, president and CEO of Intuit. “They create a warm atmosphere for guests by orienting them to the genre and museum, discussing exhibitions and programs, and creating an overall positive experience through intentional interactions.”
The American Rescue Plan was signed into law in March 2021 when the NEA was provided $135 million for the arts sector. This round of funding is the third installment providing more than $57.7 million for arts organizations. In April 2021, the NEA announced $52 million in ARP funding would be allocated to 62 state, jurisdictional and regional arts organizations for regranting through their respective programs. The second installment in November 2021 allocated $20.2 million to 66 local arts agencies for subgranting to local artists and arts organizations.
For more information on the NEA’s American Rescue Plan grants, including the list of arts organizations funded in the third installment, visit www.arts.gov/COVID-19/the-american-rescue-plan.
Founded in 1991, Intuit is a premier museum of outsider and self-taught art, defined as work created by artists who faced marginalization, overcame personal odds to make their artwork, or who did not, or sometimes could not, follow a traditional path of art making, often using materials at hand to realize their artistic vision. By presenting a diversity of artistic voices, Intuit builds a bridge from art to audiences. The museum’s mission—to celebrate the power of outsider art—is grounded in the ethos that powerful art can be found in unexpected places and made by unexpected creators.
Intuit is open 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Thursday through Sunday and by appointment on Tuesday and Wednesday. For more information, please visit Plan Your Visit.